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Tender/Quotation Notices

Tender related documents can be download from bottom of the page.
Click on any row to see more details
Title Due Date Downloads Tender Docs (Zip file)
Engineering Sub Division, Kumarakom
Tender for various Works
19/04/2025 Tender Notice : Various Works
College of Forestry, Vellanikkara
Tender for installation of Solar fence
07/04/2025 Tender for installation of Solar fence
College of Agriculture, Vellayani
വെള്ളായണി കാർഷിക കോളേജ് ഓഫീസിൽ ക്യാബിൻ നിർമ്മിക്കുന്നതിനായുള്ള ക്വട്ടേഷന്‍ നോട്ടീസ്
02/04/2025 document_2.pdf
Title Due Date Downloads Tender Docs (Zip file)
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pattambi
ERRATUM - Tender Notice - No. D3/1492/2025 , Dated: 15.03.2025 - Supply -Chain Link - Angular Pole - RARS Pattambi
28/03/2025 Tender Notice - No. D3/1492/2025 , Dated: 15.03.2025 - Supply -Chain Link - Angular Pole - RARS Pattambi, ERRATUM NOTICE
Kerala Agricultural University
Tender Notice-Supply of Stationery articles
08/04/2025 img20250325_14172614.pdf
Cardamom Research Station, Pampadumpara
Quotation - supply of Talc
10/04/2025 quotation_for_talc_2025-26.pdf
Cardamom Research Station, Pampadumpara
Quotation - Supply of Multicolour printed polythene cover
10/04/2025 Quotation - Supply of Multicolour printed polythene cover
Cardamom Research Station, Pampadumpara
Quotation - supply of Vermiculate and Perlite
10/04/2025 Quotation - supply of Vermiculate and Perlite
Cardamom Research Station, Pampadumpara
Quotation for the Supply of Chemicals
09/04/2025 Quotation for the Supply of Chemicals
Aromatic & Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali
AMPRS ODAKKALI - Quotation Notice for GI Roofing sheet
25/04/2025 amprs_odakkali_-_qiotation_for_gi_coloured_roofing_sheet_march_2025.pdf
Farming Systems Research Station, Sadanandapuram
Tender for security guards
31/03/2025 Tender for security guards
Kerala Agricultural University
Tender - Supply of Satin Tag, Blank ID Card, Holder and Printing Ribbon
02/04/2025 Tender Notice, Annexure - KAU Emblem
Regional Agriculture Research Station, Vellayani
Horizontal Laminar air flow chamber
15/03/2026 2025_tender_notice_latest_-_laf-_aicrp_on_mushrooms_1.pdf
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